2019 KIWL 500 charity cycling event

KIWL is an international group of men & women in Japan who 'get fit & give back' through sport & leisure. Cycling, motorcycling, walking, running, Futsal, golf, pub quizzes and social nights. Funds raised are deployed by our chosen charity for 2019, YouMeWe NPO, improving the lives of abused & neglected children living in care in Japan and giving them greater hope of successful outcomes in adult life through IT education in coding and programming.

Thanks to corporate sponsors of KIWL's cycle ride, individual donors and fringe events, KIWL has raised ¥10,300,000 in 2019 to date. ¥62.3 million raised in total (US$576,000) since 10 portly British men were silly enough to embark on a long-distance bike ride back in 2013.

Our flagship event, the 'KIWL 500' finished on June 17th with 42 amateur cyclists representing 14 countries riding nearly 500kms in 4 days, culminating in a visit to a children's home where they met the kids for whom they were raising funds.

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